In light of the recent discussions on the Rock Star Finance Forums, I decided to start a blog roll for Gen X Finance Blogs. I’m going to stretch the definition of Gen X a bit here, and focus on those born between 1971 and 1981 given the stage in life those from 35-45 are currently experiencing.
If you venture into the personal finance world for a while you’ll see blogs devoted to millennial finance. You will also occasionally come across finance blogs targeted at Baby Boomers. However, there always seems to be a hole when it comes to blogs that outwardly identify as Gen X Finance Blogs. There are many of us out there, you just have to know where to look. That is the point of this page, to help identify those Gen X Finance bloggers which might align with those of a certain age. Those that can remember when MTV played music, and grew up with a Commodore 64 or a Nintendo Entertainment System in their household.
While our age group is smaller than both Millennials and Baby Boomers, we still number in the millions. We’re not in the over 45 club because we’re still young enough to change careers and party without throwing out a hip. We’re not in the millennials as more than a few of us are already retired and many of us can’t go out and party due to these small lifeforms called kids. We have advice and we’re here to be heard. I’ve split the list into those whom are retired and those working towards Retirement.
Gen X Blogs Still Pursuing Retirement
- Josh at Big Law Investor writes about personal finance for those in the lawyer profession.
- At Budgets Are Sexy J Money dishes on ummm… budgets and just about everything else money.
- A mom by night, an IT worker by day. Chief Mom Officer provides financial advice for the working mom.
- The Darwin Doctor writes about financial independence in a high cost of living area.
- Debt Discipline writes all about a family working their way out of debt.
- The FI Explorer writes about his personal journey towards financial independence.
- Mad Money Monster writes about their quest to tame the money monster that lives within.
- Mindful Explorer talks about how mindfulness brings happiness.
- Miss Mazuma is a flight attendant providing information on all things finance.Mystery Money Man is a financial advisor by career, writing about personal finance in his spare time anonymously.
- Othala Fehu writes about two government lawyers’ journey to Early Retirement.
- The doctor is in, Physician on Fire is a doctor writing about near early retirement.
- Route to Retire, a regular guy, writes about taking control of your financial life.
- Savvy Family Finance, a mother of 2, writes about things she’s learned about money.
- A jack of all trades businessman shares business ideas at Seller at Heart.
- Robin at Side Jam Biz writes about pursuing side gigs and hustles for extra income.
- 2 Geologists, Slowly Sipping Coffee shares their financial story.
- The FI Way posts open letters from one generation to the next around past financial experiences.
- Vital Dollar is a self employed internet marketer that writes about saving more money and increasing income.
- At Xrayvsn a radiologist writes about passive income, FIRE, and divorce.
Already Early Retired Gen X Blogs
- Planning to retire in February, Mr 1500 provides his perspective on finance.
- Early Retirement Now is a great place for in depth analysis and statistics on finance.
- Financial Samurai retired from the world of Finance, the San Francisco resident provides advice and analysis on finance.
- Go Curry Cracker has retired to Travel the World, dishing out advice from the road.
- Love him or hate him, Mr. Money Mustache is one of the first people you picture when discussing the early retirement movement. Here, he talks about how he achieved his retirement.
- Retire by 40 retired from a career as an engineer at 38 and is living the life of a stay at home dad.
- Root of Good retired at 33 with kids, he’ll tell you how he did it.
- Mr Take Escapes retired a few years ago to take care of his kids. He now writes about his post retirement journey, with a splattering of interesting recipes to go along.
It’s likely I missed several blogs. If you have a Gen X Finance Blog please let me know in the comments below. I’m always up to explore new blogs.
I’m Gen X, hubby’s a Boomer (barely, but there’s a definite difference between my experience coming of age in the 80s and his during the 70s.) We’re semi-retired older parents still exploring improving our finances so we can stay that way.
We’ll count it. Added.
Thanks for putting this together!
Thanks for including me in such distinguished company FTF, very kind of you!
Great list, FTF – thanks for counting me in!
So, it turns out that old FL probably ought to be in the “Early Retired” list. I don’t think I’m still working… at least I hope I’m not. But who can really tell these days? 🙂
Corrected. If I was the internet police here is where I’d say something like if your side hustling your working 😉
Ha! If I were the po-po, I’d pull you over for speeding in your Vette!
Thanks, FTF!
Yay and thank you!!! Some of my faves here – excellent company! xoxoxo
Thanks for the inclusion FTF, as well as new blogs to read (heads off to update RSS reader)
Thanks for compiling this list. Now I have to finish checking out everyone else’s blog that I haven’t gotten too yet!
That was one of the best parts of compiling the list, discovering additional blogs I’d yet to explore or hadn’t explored enough.
Awesome list – thanks for putting this together! With millennials being over the news and getting so much attention, does that mean we’re now old school? No school like the old school, right!?!
They now play our music on the oldies station so I guess so 😉
Awesome list of the hottest personal finance blogs on the Internet right now!
Great list here! These are the financial GenX all stars
Very cool, thanks for sharing!
I have felt a common bond with many on this list — makes sense. I was born in 1975, falling smack dab in the middle of the Gen X timeframe.
Thanks for the shout out FTF and for putting this list together. Those Millennials are always getting all the press – lol!
Time to add some new blogs to the ol’ RSS reader – have a great weekend!
Thanks for including me!
And a Ferrari F40?! That was one of my childhood wet dreams. Now, it’s my adulthood wet dr, oh never mind…
Is that your picture and where was it taken?
I took the picture about 5 years ago. A friend of a friend invests in exotic cars. The warehouse (no that’s not a typo) is in Michigan. It is like a giant adult candy store. Us mere mortals are left to control our drool.
Oh wow, what cars does he own? I’d love to see that warehouse.
I nearly lost it over the new Ford GT. If Ford would sell me one (they won’t), I’d probably buy it as I’m confident I could sell it for profit. Such a beautiful car:
There was a picture on one of my first posts across the warehouse. You can see it here after the first paragraph. At that time he had a 288 GTO, F40, F50, Porsche 959, a Corvette from every generation, a Veyron, and a bunch of classic muscle. The picture in question is of a single row of a single room of the three room warehouse. There were 120 cars in total.
The Ford GT is an awesome car as well. The last Gen appreciated significantly. I’ve ridden in one of the last gen ones, its acceleration was brutal.
A 959!!!!!!!! Whoah!!! AMAZING!!!!
I feel at times I have an identity crisis. I’m right on the cusp between Gen X and Millennial. So I have no idea if I’m a Gen X or Millennial but technically I was born in Dec of 1980 but my wife is a Millennial. Now I’m just rambling so I’ll let you decide 🙂
Added to the list.
That’s a great list of blogs right there. We follow and comment on a lot of them regularly. Hopefully we can convince you one day to add us to your list 🙂
Bert, One of the Dividend Diplomats
Thanks for putting this together and including me. Now if we can get to working on that club house with a secret password…….
First the password, then the handshake 😉
Great list and thanks for the add, FTF!
Great list and thanks for including us. Mrs PIE is happy to be part of the age group in window you describe. I am a little older but hopefully feel young enough to be part of the club!
We’re only as old as we feel… But either way your spouse makes you count.
FTF, Thanks for including me in the list. I am definitely part of the Gen X or “sandwich” generation as the media calls us. We take care of parents and our kids and our lives while trying to remain sane and finding time to blog!
Haha, I definitely remember the good days when MTV played music videos. I never got to have a Nintendo, but l did get my friends second hand ATARI when he got one!
Excellent list! I’m honored to be included with such esteemed gen X blogs. Thanks for the mention 🙂
I use to play the Nintendo at my neighbors house and the Atari at my cousin’s. I did have a Commodore 64 though.
Crispy Cabbage is noticeably absent. Rep pin’ 1978! But I guess the rest are pretty good too ?
Do you have an about us page to link to and some information I could use to write a blurb?
Would love some love over @ Wealth Well Done. I’m from the distant and mysterious lands of 1980. We blog about wealth and how it relates to the purpose of life, because wealth is more of a deep feeling than a financial statement of numbers. We believe the wealthiest people in life are overflowing with meaning and purpose just as much as the money they have saved and invested over time. Come on over and check us out. We always want new friends, friend.
Wealth well done, added to the list.
Thanks friend, love to be party of the party you’re throwing.
Excellent post!!. Great collections.. It’s really helpful to us.I follow blog for tips and guidelines.
Thank you for putting this blog list together, there are some new sites I haven’t come across yet that look interesting. I’d also love it if you could mention my blog, DividendLife, which is entering the fourth year of my journey to financial independence.
I grew up with a rival 8-bit computer to the Commodore 64; the Sinclair Spectrum, made by Timex in the US I think. Happy days!
Best wishes,
Added in. My father actually had a Timex Sinclair way back in the day. I don’t remember using it, only the Commodore 64. He also had a TRS 80.
Stoked to be included in such a cool round up of GenXers
The Old School is the New School of PF
Cheers my friend and I’m going to start trying to check out all these other terrific blogs now
Great list of blogs. Many are familiar but quite a few I have never heard of. Thanks for compiling.
I’m smack in the middle of your range, and my first gaming console was an Intellivision! I feel like Gen-X is the bridge generation. We can still handle technology and can relate to the younger folks, while still being able to pander to our older bosses and acquaintances 😉
Added to the list.
It’s a great list FTF. I feel a little left out being a gen-xer. Now I guess I found the group to hang out with. Feel free to add me ?
You’re in.
Thanks for adding me to the list FTF. Greatly appreciated.
Hi! I’m “Rich” from Our blog is new, I found your blog after you commented. I love this idea! I’m firmly GenX, born 1975, raised on captain crunch, super mario, and Pearl Jam. I need to catch up on all you’ve written and hope to join the discussion.
What a fabulous resource you’ve compiled! As a new GenX kid on the PF blogging block, I can’t wait to check out all of these blogs and learn from everyone’s experiences. Hope to someday earn a spot on the list 🙂
Welcome to the blogging scene. I’ll check out your site.
My Gen Xerism seeps into my blog at every turn.
Feel free to add it;
10 PRINT “I can prove I’m Gen X”
20 GOTO 10
Now your channeling Apple, infinite loop indeed.
What about those Gen Xers in the getting ‘out of debt’ category? Unfortunately, this is where I am. But am doing it. Great list.
Damn, I wish I could be on that second list! A few more years though! 😉
I fall smack dab in the middle of the Gen Xers and am now in my early 40s – shouldn’t that be the new something? Maybe the new 20s?
It’s amazing how I continue to see blogs I haven’t read in every list out there. This one’s no exception… [sigh], it looks like I’ve got to go check out some of the ones I don’t know on this list now. 🙂
— Jim
Gen X’er here . . .
I did not know about this list! Great!
I don’t eat avocado on toast and I’m Gen X so I’m not surprised to see some of my favorite blogs here.
There are quite a few of us. I’ll add your site to the list.
Love all of these blogs. I am also a GenXer (born 1973….so I am closer to the bottom end). It is kind of amazing to see where different people are in our age group.
how about a millennial blogger looking to attain financial freedom? If not I understand 😉
We’re pretty locked down to gen x for this one but I have been contemplating a non genx list recently as well. I’ll keep you in mind for that one.
This is a great list, and I’ve found several new blogs to add to my feed reader. I was born in 1978 and would love to have my blog added to the list, if possible.
All set.
hi. i’m a proud gen x’er and fan of punk rock (the real stuff from the late 70’s and 80’s hair metal. we reached a lean fire but i keep working because i feel like i’ve stuffed 70 years into my 50 years here on earth.
there’s no substitute for experience.
Gen Xer here looking to educate my own kids about FI. I wish it didn’t take until my upper 30’s to figure this all out. Glad I did though, as 50 is still a fairly early retirement. I suspect lifestyle inflation would have kept pace and I’d be 65 and still working had I not found the FIRE movement.
About to publish your 2018 Xmas Rockstar Finance contribution…and (spoiler) you made the “Nice” list.
If you wish to add theFIway to the blog roll, fantastic.
We’ll get you added. Happy Holiday.
Hi, Gen-Xer here who feels out of place with all the millenials on social media. I’m happy to find this list and will check everybody out. I started a blog called Financial Peacock about 6 months ago to help people get confident about money and teach them what I’ve learned through my own experience. I could retire now if I wanted to lean FIRE, but I enjoy living in my HCOL location and am shooting for fat FIRE.
I’m a gen x blog and would love to be added to the list 🙂
All set
I thank you! Good Life Better is another good GenX finance blogger too 🙂
If you’re still making updates, I’m a Gen X blogger (1974), and I’m also the mom of two Millennials, believe it or not. So in theory, I should be in a great position financially, since they’re both adults now. Ahem — In theory …
I’m catching the tail end of your Gen X definition (born in 1981).
I’ve been writing for about 6 months, and the majority of my focus (for now) is on financial independence in a high cost of living area.
I’ve recently become obsessed with using real estate to further our finances.
I’m also touching on Health, Doctor life issues, and the homefront (family and gardening).
Thanks kindly,
Where has this list been all my 2.5 year blogging life!
I’d love to be added, please, some of my favourite blogs are here. Thanks for putting together the list.
Just discovered you and this list. Thank you for putting it together. I’m gen X, hubby too. I blog full time, hubby works. We’re parents to a teenage girl. Both of us work hard at improving our finances.
I suppose my blog would qualify for this list. Do check it out.
I would love to have my blog included as I am definitely a Gen X’er and write on personal finance 🙂
I’m a single Gen X woman pursuing FIRE, though I’ll probably always work to some extent.
Gen X here!
At Money Bliss, we believe people want to learn to alter their money management, so they can truly enjoy life and money. Despite that, they want clarity on how to start budgeting, paying off debt, and saving money.
Enough with the overwhelm and stress. Money Bliss is here to help you transform. Learn how to alter your personal finance situation and ultimately reach financial freedom.
Great post – I would love to be included here.
Would love to get added as well! Just found myself Accidentally Retired at 36. I don’t consider myself a Millennial. Born in 84.