As a well-traveled corporate employee, the information contained herein is the product of a 15-year climb through multiple organizations and job families. The path to the build your career over time is one of concentrated effort. Over the years this site has written a large body of articles on growing and advancing your career. To that end, you can view this page as a guide to our topics around building your career throughout the stages of life.
As with anything else in the personal finance world, the advancement of your career is specific to your situation and goals. That being said the themes you find in these posts should be applicable to most working in the corporate or professional environment.
I have broken up the articles in a way that makes logical sense for the flow of a normal career. The hope here is that you can jump in or out of the articles based on the situation that is most relevant to you. May you use it to build your career to the level you desire.
How to Choose and Start Your Career
- Blindly Following Your Passion is a Bad Idea
- My Advice to New College Graduates
- Internships and Your Future Career
- What Career Insight Can You Take from Kmart?
How to Approach Job Changes
- Make Your Self Stand Out to Get Ahead: Differentiation
- Root Cause and Lessons Learned: Interviewing
- The Case for Not Job Hopping
- Grass is Always Greener: Job Adaptation
- How to Climb the Corporate Ladder
- Is Work Just One Big Competition?
- Why I Left a Career in Marketing for Education
- Job Choices and Your Career
- Job Changes and Imposter Syndrome
Things You Can Do to Enhance Your Career
- Is an MBA Worth Pursuing?
- Dress For The Job You Want
- Getting Others to Change their Mind through Active Listening
- Confessions of a Manager: Tips For Getting A Raise
- World of Business Travel: Good, Bad, Career Boosting?
- Does Complaining Hurt Your Career?
- The Value of a Conference: Fincon 2019 Recap
Dealing with Change in the Corporate Job Market
- Intrinsic Motivation, how to change yourself and others.
- Technological Progress, your Career, and Karl Marx
- Changes in the Nature of Work
- International Business and Finance
Well Being, Balance, and the Corporate Lifestyle
- Use Your Vacation!
- How to Deal with Burnout
- Choices for Open Enrollment
- The Impacts of and Dealing with Sleep Deprivation
- Time Management: Not Enough Hours in the Day
- It’s the People Stupid
- Work Sucks, Sometimes
- Benefits of a Full Time Job: Downside of Early Retirement
- Just Say No
- How to Relate to Others, Conversing beyond Social Classes or Jobs
- Staycation As a Cure for Burnout
- Being Content: Turning Down Money Opportunities
Dealing With Job Loss and Career Decline
- What Would I Do If I Lost My Job?
- How to Prepare Yourself, Financially, for a Layoff
- How to Deal with Layoffs
- My Experiences with Prior Recessions
Later Career Concerns
- Is This My Last Job?
- Is an Executive Position Desirable?
- When Will Your Career Begin to Decline?
- A Shift In Focus: Career Expansion to Career Stability
Other Corporate Career Topics
- The Financial Impact of Becoming an Expat
- Contemplating Location Independence
- Why you don’t need a Side Hustle?