As you surf around the web these days you can not help but fall on personal finance blogs talking about early retirement. I have no…
12 CommentsMonth: September 2018
The history of interest rates is fairly interesting, and actually kind of relevant to today as well. From the worlds of ancient Rome and Greece…
2 CommentsIt’s been a year since I’ve provided an update on our path to Financial Independence. The world has continued to move forward as have we. …
11 CommentsOver the years I have multiple times considered taking positions internationally. I have come so close I once found myself applying to a job in…
10 CommentsOver the last few weeks I had a number of discussions about changing jobs and careers. Some have been related to my own upcoming change,…
8 CommentsWith this post Full Time Finance celebrates 2 years of existence. 2 years of 2-3 posts a week on personal finance. Today to celebrate I’m…
13 CommentsThose that have followed this blog for any length of time know I love to travel. By now you also probably know I like…
2 CommentsI have a new hobby. About midway through the summer for my birthday my wonderful wife bought me a smoker. For anyone else that smokes meat…