An admission, our emergency fund is currently larger than is optimal. It’s crept up to that point and in the next few weeks I will…
13 CommentsMonth: November 2017
Recently there have been a spate of bloggers moving to the country. There is usually a refrain about how they are tired of the hustle…
2 CommentsWith the recent change in my wife’s employment situation we have returned to a state of Multiple Income streams. For years I have taken for…
9 CommentsOver the last year as my wife has waded ever deeper into the self employed world we have found ourselves needing to consider estimated taxes.…
4 CommentsA few months ago I wrote a contrarian post on choosing your associated based on finances. If you recall from that post I just do…
8 CommentsThe other day I was reading through some updates to my employers benefits and I realized I missed a change to my benefits that I…
4 CommentsTodays guest post comes to us from Taylor of Taylor’s blogging partner reached to me over Twitter as someone from my home town. Below…
Leave a CommentThis blog writes a lot about planning and working towards the future, but today’s post is going to do the opposite. Today I am going…
6 CommentsThis post is going to go out to a different audience than most Personal Finance Articles. This one is going to go to those that…
14 CommentsA few weeks ago I was chatting with DadsDollarsDebts via Twitter when he laid quite a surprise on me , his house had burned down…