It’s that time of year again. As the year crosses over to a new one, society historically dictates you make a resolution. These New Year’s…
6 CommentsMonth: December 2016
This blog has been running for a little while so I decided it was high time I provide an origin story for this piece of…
11 CommentsA few years ago I took a trip to India for work. As part of my visit, myself and a colleague from Germany left the…
13 CommentsWay back in week 2 of this blog I talked about Setting Smart Financial Goals. If you recall from that post, I set milestones for…
2 CommentsIf you recall, a few weeks ago I told you about my wife’s transition to being a stay at home mom. Well, a funny thing…
9 CommentsA month ago a small electronic was released to the general public, one that I had decided I wanted long before it released to the…
7 CommentsOn Wednesday I posted an article on generic planning. Today we’re going to take the next step and put it into practice creating an investment plan.…
5 CommentsA few weeks ago I wrote a post on setting SMART Goals and Milestones. If you recall, I talked about the need to set them…
10 CommentsRecently, we were talking to my son’s preschool teacher and she wanted to validate if my wife was an engineer. My wife gave the affirmative…
53 CommentsAs the holidays approach the pressure to spend ramps up. This is not a new phenomenon. Steve over at Think Save Retire talked about the…